Energy Transition Now

Westwood Energy Transition Now Podcast – Episode 29 Offshore Wind with Justine Burg, Equinor

Westwood Global Energy Group Season 5 Episode 29

in this episode of the Offshore Wind Energy Transition Now mini-series, David spoke with Justine Burg, VP of Business Development, Europe Offshore Wind at Equinor, to discuss "Delivering Europe’s Offshore Wind Ambitions”

Ambition is not something the Offshore Wind industry is lacking. The question is whether it can deliver on the targets being set.

New and emerging markets are often singled out for discussion, but the theme of deliverability is just as important – if not more so – in Europe, the birthplace of the industry.

David and Justine explored Europe’s Offshore Wind ambitions, the challenges that the region faces, and what potential changes are needed for the industry to deliver.