Energy Transition Now
Westwood Global Energy Group's ‘Energy Transition Now’ podcast is a series of 1:1 discussions on the transition to a net-zero emissions energy system with stakeholders in the industry who are part of the change. explore the changing market dynamics, the opportunities and challenges ahead for the industry, and what this means for different actors.Throughout the podcast series we will explore a wide range of views and insights through conversations with sustainability / energy transition experts, industry associations, oil and gas companies, and the supply chain before taking a deep dive into the key technologies making the transition possible.
Energy Transition Now
Westwood Energy Transition Now Podcast – Episode 28 Offshore Wind with Johan Sandberg, SeaTwirl
Westwood Global Energy Group
Season 5
Episode 28
For a technology that is essentially still in a pre-commercial phase, the expectation is high for floating wind to be the future of the offshore wind industry. But the technology landscape that is going to help floating scale is far from settled. With vertical axis wind turbines having been around for just as long as horizontal axis ones, floating also presents an opportunity for vertical turbines to play a bigger part. To discuss how the floating offshore wind sector has evolved, and the role that vertical axis turbines can have in the growth of this market, David spoke with Johan Sandberg, CEO of SeaTwirl.